Re-Orientation to Balance
A Creative Method of Chronicling, Analyzing, Organizing and Planning
Logging regular activities (such as exercise, work performance, habits, diet,sleep, etc.) develops one’s objective overview orientation and increases one’s self awareness. It is also a way to enter naturally into goal setting. Periodic record keeping and review provides insights into how and what we are doing, stimulates insights for changing what we are doing that is counter-productive, and also helps us understand how to go about making the appropriate changes. Our problems arise from doing too much of what we do not want to be doing. If you know what you want, and what you want to be doing with your life, you will experience greater clarity, harmony, and better health. Logging what we are doing naturally takes us to an overview perspective. From this positioning we can objectively see what we are doing and align our lives according to what it is we want to be doing.
It is often this overview and objective perspective that we have lost when we find ourselves preoccupied by pursuing some tangent or superficial concern rather than the higher and noble purpose of our lives.
You will also find that when you look at what you’ve been doing, you realize you are already naturally setting goals and working towards their attainment.
Personal Scheduling and Cycle Planning Tools
We have found the log-a-rhythm process useful both with historical reflections as well as future projections.
The initial approach we have found very helpful is the daily log with daily update capacity. There are several formats that can be used depending on your own focus and preferences. The following charts are examples of several which we have found useful in motivating and monitoring daily activities. The factors we have used are included on the example charts and then more generic,
blank charts are provided for your experimentation and use.