Education: Applications from Birth to Maturity
Teaching an Infant
(Bar Chart)
Education: From Before Birth to Maturity
This diagram is an illustration of a simple method for teaching an infant the most important aspects of early learning: Discipline
Education: From Before Birth to Maturity
The same material in an IdeaGram format. These were taken from the teachings of Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan. The approach is loving, gentle and practical. I wish I had it when my son was an infant !! I found this book when he was around 10 years old and I used it as a guide as he matured. It was extremely practical and helpful. I refer to it now as I watch my granddaughters pass through these stages of life.
Teaching an Infant
Education: From Before Birth to Maturity
The source material for this IdeaGram. Although this book (Education: From Before Birth to Maturity) is out of print the content is contained in the compilations of Inayat Khan’s teachings in Sufi Teachings, Book 3: The Art of Personality (The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan) – Section I: Education, Chapters 1 through 6..
To purchase this book on Amazon: < GO HERE >
Teaching an Infant
(Source Material)
Request for Collaboration:
If you are interested in these ideas I would be happy to share the source material for the next five chapters and collaborate in the development of a series of IdeaGrams that convey the content of the material:
Part 2: The Education of the Baby
Part 3: The Education of the Child
Part 4: The Education of Youth
Part 5: The Education of Children
Part 6: The Training of Youth
(for Collaboration)
Bunny House
(By a 7 Year Old)
Building a Bunny House:
This is a copy of my son’s first network when he was seven years old. It is a good introduction to how something is organized in an IdeaGram.
First Grade
(IdeaGram & Progress)
First Grade Progress Chart:
This chart shows how the IdeaGram was used to discuss my son’s progress as he went through the first grade. The green mark-ups showed his progress at one period. The red markups at a later period.
First Grade
First Grade Curriculum Chart:
This chart shows the curriculum in a bar chart format.
(How This Started)
Kindergarten Chart:
This shows how the creation of these IdeaGrams evolved. Each week my son’s kindergarten teacher sent home notes about what they were doing that week in class. This was the result at the end of the year.
Fourth Grade
Fourth Grade Curriculum Chart:
This chart shows the curriculum in a bar chart format.
(School Code)
Ohlone School Code:
This chart shows an overview of the Ohlone School Background and Code. It is a “large format” chart (i.e. originally approximately 24” x 48”) so it requires the viewer to magnify the chart and scroll around to read it.
Fifth Grade Science Writing Project:
This chart was created in a Fifth-grade classroom. The class had to write a science paper. All the activities were suggested by the class.
Writing Project
(Bar Chart)
Fifth Grade Science Writing Project:
This is the same information in a bar chart format. It is more legible but has a different appearance..
Fifth Grade
(Writing project)
Eighth Grade
Shakespeare: Twelfth Night
This chart was used by a teacher of special needs children in middle school to help explain the plot of this somewhat complicated play.